Iron Mirror Cube

Iron (5).JPG
Iron (5).JPG

Iron Mirror Cube

from $25.00

As mentioned previously, iron is not a metal one often comes across in ultra-pure grades. While it is the cheapest of the structural metals it oxidizes too easily and is fairly brittle. The addition of various other metals makes it much better suited for the tasks of being turned into bridges and cars but at that point it's no longer pure iron but rather steel.

Our supplier has provided us with prototypes of machine-made cubes that have additionally been polished to the degree you'd expect of chrome plating. Being however pure iron does mean that the elements can easily take their toll on this expensive keepsake. Iron's worst enemy is humidity, especially if it's the sort that comes off nearby seawater as it quickly creates a chemical reaction that results in rust. For this reason you will want to make sure that wherever you put this beautiful collectible it's somewhere dry!

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