Copper Mirror Cube

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Copper (2).JPG
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Copper Mirror Cube

from $30.00

A six-sided mirror made out of solid copper has been a dream long in coming. It is an exceptionally difficult project primarily because copper tarnishes easily on top of being fairly soft. It is frustratingly easy during manufacture to ruin an edge and the smallest mistake during polishing results in unsightly stains.

We acquired a highly refined copper and laboriously buffed it to a satiny sheen. We then sawed it into sections using a special low speed saw to preserve the critical edges and finally buffed the two ends to match the satin finish. The cubes that had made it to this stage were then given the final polishing that achieved the fully reflective mirrors.

If you're considering buying one of these cubes it is highly recommended that you do not touch them with your bare fingers unless you first wash your hands with an industrial soap that gets every last trace of oil. Even still it's preferable to handle them with gloves and stored in an airtight container to avoid discoloration from oxides. If it gets dirty it can be wiped down with a cotton pad and some acetone or rubbing alcohol.

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