Chlorine gas 99.9%


Chlorine gas 99.9%


A whiff of chorine gas is enough to send you into choking fits. So nasty is its effects on delicate human lungs that it became the first chemical weapon used back in the trenches of World War I. That use did not last long. Not initially because of any ethical qualms but rather because the noxious gas tended to blow back upon the attacker to equally lethal effect.

While a pale yellow gas normally, when chlorine is condensed into a liquid under great pressure it turns a deep yellow bordering on orange. In this offering we’ve trapped a minute quantity of chlorine gas which appears full colorless at first glance. Energize this gas by placing it next to a plasma globe or Tesla coil and it instantly comes to life in a beautiful blue apparition fringed by red highlights that dance from end to end in a mesmerizing display!

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