Osmium metal 99.95% arc melted beads


Osmium metal 99.95% arc melted beads

from $5.00

Even though the title of rarest stable, naturally occurring metal on earth is a debated topic among geologists osmium always gets top contender status with some estimates putting it at just one part in 20 billion of the earth's crust. If mining output is any indication, consider that fewer than 100,000 of these beads - enough, literally, to fill a bucket - are pulled out of the earth worldwide annually!

For this rarity, and the fact that it's a beautiful blue-tinged precious metal to boot, one would think that elite jewelry brands like Cartier and Bulgari would be rushing to outdo one another with osmium trinkets for the rich. But nature has thrown a curve ball in that it's practically impossible to work with. Melting osmium takes Herculean efforts, hammering it causes cracks and, if that wasn't enough, the damn thing is highly poisonous when finely powdered making grinding and polishing a task fit only for those with a death wish!

But we can think of one of these lustrous little beads as gems in their own right. Knocking about inside a little vial, grin as you consider how you'll be only one of very very few people who can lay claim to owning a bit of this ultra exotic metal.

Fascinated by this metal? You’re not alone! Join a growing community of osmium enthusiasts hanging out on Reddit at https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetosmium

CAS 7440-04-2

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