Arsenic 99.9999% crystalline

Arsenic (2).JPG
Arsenic (2).JPG

Arsenic 99.9999% crystalline

from $4.25

Buying arsenic might immediately trigger suspicion that murder is intended. It has certainly been a favorite weapon in crime novels but this is more due the literary penchant for exotic materials than its inherent lethality. Swallowing a handful of ibuprofen would be deadlier, if perhaps less newsworthy!

That's not to dismiss this element's toxicity. While directly handling a small sample is inadvisable (it is classed as a skin irritant) the real danger is in swallowing it which could very well prove fatal. Arsenic is also brittle and prone to crushing into dust which if inhaled would also be harmful so it's best to treat your specimen with respect and keep it well away from where it could be reached by children or pets.

Note additional options for this element on the Ampules section. Orders for arsenic will be individually reviewed and may be canceled at our discretion.

CAS 7440-38-2

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