Blue Gold


Blue Gold

from $8.50

We’re cautiously violating our “only pure elements” motto again with the addition of ths exotic alloy. Unlike the way better known white and rose golds of the jewelry world, the black gold of the industrial world (which sounds so much more poetic than “crude oil”) and like its true counterpart purple gold, blue gold is a mixture of gold and indium that results in a bluish concoction that looks nothing like the color or texture of either of its constituents. In fact, it closely approximates crystalline osmium though, of course, much less dense.

Just as the case with purple gold, blue gold is brittle and crumbles easily meaning that it’s basically unsuitable to do anything with it save for some delicate castings. They are both products - inventions really - born of bored scientists on downtime who had nothing better to do than see what happens when you mix and match different metals, I think ;-)

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