Ytterbium 50mm Lucite Cube

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Ytterbium (6).JPG
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Ytterbium 50mm Lucite Cube


The town of Ytterby near Stockholm, Sweden, yielded the chemistry world with ores rich in mysterious new elements. Named after its namesake town, ytterbium is one of the rare earth metals misnamed for not actually being all that rare but infamous for the tremendous difficulty needed to separate it from its neighbors in this group. Although ytterbium is not terribly reactive in air all the same it keeps its shine best when stored in an inert gas.

This is the big boy's version of Yb suitable for those who are only pleased with beefy displays. For this we've selected the most satisfyingly odd chunks of this rare metal, and of 99.99%+ purity to boot, all perfectly encased in the highest quality of acrylic available. As far as scientific collectibles go this is an instant heirloom!
