Xenon 50mm Lucite Cube

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Xenon 50mm Lucite Cube


Xenon is the rarest of the pure gases purely on account of its rarity. If you froze a cathedral-sized room’s worth of air you might only get a cup’s worth of xenon. While there’s obviously enough air to go around freezing it to get such a pitiful yield drives up the price considerably. It is nearly five times more expensive than krypton, its next rarest neighbor.

These cubes feature a a perfectly trapped cloud of this gas. They were at first unintentionally created when attempting to make cubes with pressurized ampules containing xenon but exploded while the acrylic resin was curing. The low-pressure of this curing stage was unable to contain the intense pressure so they burst in unpredictable patterns. Sadly, many of these first cubes were thrown out as failures before customers noticed. They have since become popular in their own right and…. we do admit the patterns are quite attractive and distinctive from the other gas samples!

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