Uranium Lucite Cube
Uranium Lucite Cube
Not counting use in classified military programs, there is a surprisingly large - and growing - market for uranium for civilian purposes. Over 60,000 tons is mined worldwide and of that total nearly all goes into the highly complex but mundane task of cooking water; ie. powering nuclear plants.
Despite the decades of bad rap that the nuclear power industry received following the well-known disasters at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima, the world is slowly coming to grips with the fact that it can’t kick its U-235 addiction and at the same time realistically hope to make any sort of meaningful dent in the consumption of fossil fuels. Not at least until such time that we either pave the world in silicon panels or crack the mystery of fusion power.
The turnaround in attitudes is also at least in part thanks to new tech that dramatically lowers the probability of nuclear meltdowns or other catastrophes that release dangerous levels of radiation. There’s also the other part: China and other developing countries are a whole lot less squeamish than we are about making the switch to this green though still controversial renewable form of energy.
This here cube? No radiation at all. Guaranteed to pass muster with even the most ardent hippie collectors!