Platinum 50mm Lucite Cube
Platinum 50mm Lucite Cube
Once upon a time platinum was literally tossed overboard by Spanish conquistadors who deemed the unknown metal literally as a type of "lesser silver". And today many would regard platinum as the ultimate store of value. This view might be reinforced when you consider that "platinum" offers whether in credit cards, frequent flyer points and similar schemes usually constitute the highest tier of membership and its rewards. Platinum is also reserved for the most lavish and expensive jewelry. In fact, nature herself offers only a pittance of platinum across the face of the earth.
If platinum can unseat all other precious metals in the collective psyche it seems rather less successful in doing so in terms of cold hard cash. Over the last few years it has more or less tracked gold through highs and lows but usually a little lower thus signaling, perhaps, that its day has not yet fully come.
In this offering we bring a 3 to 4 gram bead of 99.95% pure platinum made by taking platinum powder and melting it in a vacuum furnace. Once the tiny puddle solidifies the beautiful, shiny bead is placed in cotton and shipped to us. We then turn around and send it to the caster for the final stage. At no point anyone having actually touched it to ensure the surfaces remain as reflective as a mirror.