Neptunium 50mm Lucite Cube

sold out

Neptunium 50mm Lucite Cube


Neptunium for sale? The short answer: yes.

Now the long answer. The neptunium sample sold here is not pure. It sits on a strip of gold plated silver which is itself alloyed with americium-241. The neptunium accumulates on this trip at the expense of its parent Am241 which naturally decays into Np237. With a half-life of 432 years this means that each year some 0.23% of its mass is converted into neptunium. Since neptunium's own half-life is measured in the millions of years this means almost all of it is staying put and growing at the rate of tens of thousands of atoms each passing day with only a negligible loss (to protactinium). We can additionally calculate that since the source of this strip was manufactured in the 1960s this would put it at, roughly, .23 x 50 = 11.5% of the original 80μci, or approximately 2mcg. Not bad at all!

Neptunium is fissionable and could, theoretically, be made into a nuclear weapon. For this reason, and to prevent possible terrorist acts, we will impose a strict limit of one million cubes per customer. Attempts to get around this through using slight variations of your name will be reported to Homeland Security! :-)

This item is now discontinued.
