Rhodium .9995 1 oz Bar
Rhodium .9995 1 oz Bar
Save for the infamous tulips craze of the 1600’s, never in the history of commerce has a commodity’s value pulled so far ahead of that of its peers as in the case of rhodium. While ever a pricey member of the platinum group, rhodium’s poor familiarity in the public kept it in the background and for years its price hovered in the low hundreds per ounce. For reasons not entirely known, the onset of the global Covid pandemic unleashed the horse within and rhodium’s spot price rocketed as if it had been the latest crypto meme coin. In January of 2021 it reached a heady $29,000 per ounce; over fifteen times the price of a similar bar of gold!
In the months since the rare metal’s price has pulled back some but still remains many times more the price of perennial bullion favorites gold, platinum and palladium. Unlike the case with these three, however, rhodium truly is breathtakingly rare in nature and there’s nary an ounce stockpiled anywhere. Barring some economic catastrophe the last thing you should expect is for rhodium to come back down in price to some former, more reasonable level. By every expectation its rarity and covetability will keep its price unfortunately out of reach to all but well-heeled investors.
With the launch of this bar, Luciteria now joins a very short list of companies that offer stamped rhodium bullion and in doing so we extend our lead to the most comprehensive list of pure metals in this format. Ships by armored truck to your home or office ;-)
Payment for this item qualifies for a 3% discount if paid via bank wire transfer or crypto. Please inquire by email prior to purchase.