Rhodium .9995 1 Gram Bar

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Rhodium .9995 1 Gram Bar


Rhodium is now, and will likely continue to be, the most expensive precious metal you can buy by an exponential margin.

This wasn’t the case historically. Up until the mid-2010s this was an obscure member of the platinum group with little trade that tracked a deadbeat line year on year across the historical price charts. Things started changing when automobile execs, looking for new alternatives to platinum and palladium towards the making of catalytic converters, decided to ask for it. Unlike platinum and palladium, however, rhodium truly is a rare commodity. The mines that deal in these metals quickly tapped out of their reserves. Then came Covid and the {expletive} hit the fan. Rhodium’s price spiked to an unbelievable $30,000 an ounce - easily worth more than stack of a dozen ounces of gold or platinum.

Those automakers have since eased off the gas on buying rhodium (what’s the point?) and its price has come down but still remains comically high. There’s still a vacuum and those mines are probably still trying to fill backlogged orders but everyone is coming to terms with the fact that the earth is stingy and yields but a sip of this precious liquid.

We are not the first company to bring rhodium bullion to market. That honor goes to the Cohen mint, a now defunct business, that experimented coining in this metal and whose products are still traded and sought after to this day. So, in this case, we’re happy to be the second company to offer bullion rhodium by the gram!

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