Gold .9995 1 Gram Bar

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Au (2).JPG

Gold .9995 1 Gram Bar


Gold is truly the one metal that needs no introduction. At least not in the bullion section. But something needs to go in this area or the website won’t allow the listing so, um…. yeah, here we go.

It’s of interest to note that gram bars of gold metal make up one of the (if not the) most actively traded items on the entire world of bullion. Luciteria enters a very crowded market with our ‘house brand’ and, to be honest, does not really even pretend to up the game in any meaningful way. Ours are of no higher purity, don’t feature high brow art designs nor so much as come in a fancy case. It isn’t even the most competitively priced. All we can lay claim to besides a feeble “me too” is that it does join the lengthiest list of other pure elements in this format offered by any other company in the world. Hey that’s kinda cool :-)

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