Germanium .99999 1 oz Bar

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Germanium .99999 1 oz Bar


While the chemistry world was aware of this rare element as far back as the 19th century, it wasn’t until the birth of electronics in the mid 20th century that a use for it was found. A semiconductor like silicon, it has been employed in this industry ever since. However, in most applications silicon offers better performance and, given the fact that it costs nearly 1,000 times less than germanium, the use of this latter is a trickle in comparison.

Optics is another field that requires a constant supply of germanium for the manufacture of night vision goggles, photography lenses and similar hi-tech uses.

Because this metalloid is as fragile as glass it can’t be made by die striking so the lettering here is laser engraved rather than physical relief. However, the material can be polished to extreme reflectivity and, along with its pale yellow-green color, the combination makes this perhaps the most beautiful of all the bars we carry.

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