Selenium 99.99%


Selenium 99.99%


Too much selenium in your diet causes a disease known as selenosis. Although this is extremely rare the list of symptoms includes one particularly embarrassing one: garlic breath. There is no treatment for curing selenosis. You just have to wait until the body gets rid of it little by little but during this time you’re sure to torment everyone around you. Mouthwash doesn’t help. The stank is coming through from the bottom of your tripes, your lungs, right through your cheeks even. The sad part is that you’re not smelling selenium but rather its stinky cousin sulfur. As the body goes into overdrive to rid itself of excess selenium it produces a molecule, methionine, which contains the offending atom and with which it’s bound together.

Here in odor-free format is a fine sample of ultra-pure selenium as shiny chunks, the prefect collectible of Element 34.

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